About our Director
Mr. Konstantino Kyriakou
Mr. Dinos Kyriakou is married with two children.
1993: Exclusive Insurance Broker at Eurolife Ltd.
1995: Establishment of Lifepartners Insurance Agents & Advisors Limited as an Insurance Broker Company.
1995-2005: Ranked no. 1 among all Insurance Agents of Eurolife Ltd for 10 consecutive years.
1996-1998: Awarded with LUTCf Title (Life Underwritting Training Council fellow).
1999: Awarded with Moderator Title of Life Underwriting Training Council (LUTC)
Whole Life member of LIMRA (Life Insurance Marketing Research Association).
2000-2005: Chairman of MDRT Cyprus Members.
2000-2023: MDRT Member 17 Years COT & 6 Years TOT
2001: Completion of the “Fundamentals of Financial Services” Training of Life Underwriting Training Council and Awarded with relevant Title.
2006: Awarded with IFA (Independent Financial Advisor) Title.
2006-2008: Chairman of MDRT Europe Members (MCC).
2009-2010: Regional Chairman of MDRT Europe, Middle East, Africa & South Asia Members (MCC).
2021 - Today: Awarded with CCS Title (Certified Claims Specialist).
Since September 2021 he is a Branch Manager (Creation of Insurance Agents’ Network).
He has been invited as a Speaker to Conferences/Seminars from Insurance Companies and Organizations (MDRT & LIMRA) in USA, Canada, India, Singapore, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, Ireland, France, Russia, Poland, Rumania, Ukraine, Spain, Israel, Croatia, Serbia, Lithuania, Czech republic, Hungary, Bulgaria, Greece & Cyprus.
He has provided Training Seminars to Insurance Companies in Cyprus and abroad. Some of these Companies are Interamerican, Generali, Allianz, AIG, Alico, AXA, International Life, Aviva, INZ, Incostar, Ethniki, CNP CypriaLife, Universal Life & Eurolife.
He is a regular Speaker to various International, European and local Events of the Insurance Industry, Presenting Topics in regards to Customer Service, Professional Enthusiasm, Clients’ Searching, Time Management, Successful Sales Practices and Client Prospecting as well as Relations Management. He is also providing Mentorship/Coaching to groups and individuals